sabato 14 maggio 2016

Nominated as 'Chulazo' of the year for the Besametonto Awards 2016

Hello my followers! A new nomination has come: for the Spanish Besametonto Awards 2016 by, now got to their 7th edition, I am nominated as 'Chulazo' del año (Hottest Guy of the year).
The award ceremony is going to take place on June 3rd @Bearbie, Plaza Pedro Zerolo (former Plaza Vázquez de Mella), Madrid, with a pre-party on June 2nd @Attack Bar (Calle Olivar, 22). You can vote for me every day until May 31st, when voting closes; in addition, voting each category is not mandatory.
So, take a look at the picture and vote for me by clicking on the link below. Thank you :*

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