martedì 23 febbraio 2016

Sexy Santa live show @Tacchi a Spillo

Hello everybody! The last Boxing Day I flew to Sicily (IT) for the Xmastime to perform live @Tacchi a Spillo Club Privé, located in Termini Imerese, the ancient Greek colony a few km out of the Phoenician and Arabian Palermo. Here, I show you some pics taken before, during and after the show and the video of a part of it. Enjoy :-)

Crowning Mr.Bear Sicily 2015

Backstage with La Mik Drag Queen, Mr.Bear Sicily+Mr.Chaser Sicily+Mr.Tacchi a Spillo 2015

La Mik and me

(if it doesn't work, please try to open by changing device, i.e. a PC)

martedì 16 febbraio 2016

2nd Woof Party live show @Bunker Disco Club

Woooofff! Next Saturday, February, 20th from 11p.m. I am going to come back to the Woof Party held @Bunker, via Placido Zurla 68 in Rome to perform live with Mark Wolf. Everytime it takes place a new code is showing off, according to the colour of the night: Yellow was the last time's colour; Light Blue is the upcoming event's. So, unzip your bulge and take out your dick: I'm gonna suck it deep!!! ;-)

mercoledì 3 febbraio 2016

Venetian Carnival live shows @Juice Berry

Hey everybody! Carnival has come! According to the Religious Calendar (by Roman Rites) it starts on the Septuagesima Sunday (the Sunday nearly 70 days before Easter: this year it has fallen on January, 24th) leading up to the Septuagesima Season or Carnival Season which ends on Shrove Tuesday (aka the British Pancake Day) or Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), this year falling on February, 9th, after which Lent begins (it deals with the 40-day penitential period when Christians are giving up eating meat - symbolically, the Jesus' flesh - during the weekdays till the Maundy/Holy Thursday, when His disciples ate the Last Supper, which precedes the Good Friday, when Jesus Christ was crucified - this is why, the strict Fast Day is related to the Lenten Fridays; against this backdrop, Carnival stands for the preparation for the Atonement).
Nevertheless, one usually considers it begins on the Thursday before Lent (this year on Feb., 4th) and finishes as mentioned above, that is the day before the Ash Wednesday (this year on Feb., 10th; the Ambrosian Rites make Lent starts the Sunday after, letting Carnival lasts 4 days more).
So, in the strict sense, Carnival lasts one week, one week before the long fasting from flesh and its pleasures: we should take advantage of it, then, commemorating Roman poet Horace's motto "Carpe Diem" (lit."seize the day"), by meeting up on the 5th from 11p.m. (the last Friday before the strict deprivation!) and on the 7th from 6p.m. @Juice Berry, via Torino 162, in the Capital of Carnival, the wonderful Venice! <3

ph. by GDLart