Some days ago I celebrated my 28th birthday with dear Craig Daniel, the best present I could ever receive, during his hit-and-run trip to the "Eternal City".
@The Roman Colosseum/Coliseum (or Flavian Amphitheatre) |
@Lodi Square, with Aurelian inner town-halls |
@Porta Maggiore, major Aurelian inner town-walls' gate |
@Termini, Roman Main Train Station |
@Pyramid of Caius Cestius |
@Altar of the Fatherland (Vittoriano), inaugurated by King Vittorio Emanuele II |
@Trajan's Column (COLVMNA TRAIANI) |
@Pantheon, "(a temple) of all gods" |
@Cupola of the Most Holy Name of Mary at the Trajan Forum, with the Trajan's Column |
@Spanish Square, Bernini's Fountain of the Old/Ugly Boat (Barcaccia) |
@Inner Courtyard in Doria Pamphilj Palace |
@Qube, Muccassassina GLBT party |
@Planet Roma, Gorgeous I AM GLBT party |
@Planet Roma, Gorgeous I AM GLBT party |
@Planet Roma, Gorgeous I AM GLBT party |
Ma che belli che siete :) e Auguri <3