lunedì 29 giugno 2015

XXX live show @Play

Hello everybody :-) A new international date is about to come: it deals with the Greek live show with my Italian playmate and friend Nicola Antonio @Play Cruising Area13 str. Odisseos-Afroditis, Thessaloniki - GR, in July on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th from 10p.m. Enjoy the summer and play with us: play hard, play different ;-)

giovedì 25 giugno 2015

Milan Pride Weekend

Hi my followers! Saturday, June 27th throughout the wonderful city of Milan a big event is about to show off: it deals with the Milan Gay Pride! No explanation needed, just taking part to the parade in hoping to meet you, too! Then, I move to Brescia, since a new live show is ready to be enjoyed @Agorà Club, via Malta 4/M, from 10p.m. to late, where I'll be waiting for you hotter than usual ;-) 

domenica 21 giugno 2015

Fucking Miracle by Dark Alley Media

Hey nasty boyz :) On June 16th my new scene for with everlasting hard-cocked fucker Antonio Miracle has been released and called Fucking Miracle. You can watch the preview by clicking on the link at the bottom, after having scrolled down the pics ;-)

martedì 16 giugno 2015

Gaston Croupier & Aitor Bravo by

Hi pigs :) Today I wanted to show you my 1st video for UKNakedMen, a flip-flop rawfuck with my hot partner and sweet friend Spaniard Aitor Bravo: a nice trunk with a hot defined body, big firm ass and with a very attractive glance, which nobody can escape from. It has been released on June 8th and, after scrolling down the following pics, you are going to find the preview. Enjoy :-)

Behind the scene

Behind the scene

venerdì 12 giugno 2015

HardOn live show @Bunker Disco Club

Hello fetish-addicted pigs :) today I wanted to show you some pics taken from the hardest fetish show in London, HardOn by Suzie Krueger, landed in Rome last April 25th and held @Bunker, via Placido Zurla 68, Rome, for its first time.
In that occasion I took part as a hard performer along with my hot piggy partner in crime Wild Karl, who taught me how to obey to my master's orders :-) The floor was crowded, audience excited and we were very horny and so motivated that we finally wanted to end up with a double-ended dildo penetration which led to a gratifying noisy applause. Thanks to the people coming there to assist to our performance, and for those who missed it, here you are some pics shooted therein. Enjoy :)

martedì 9 giugno 2015

Vote me for the Italian Gay Blogger Awards 2015

Hi my followers. For the second time my blog has been nominated in the "Adult" category for the Italian Gay Blogger Awards 2015 (igba 2015). I am so honoured! This means that the efforts spent in promoting me and keeping you informed about my business, and basically your resulting interest and support towards my activity are widely rewarded and keep on gratifying! Thank you very much! In addition, this event occurs just to coincide with the celebration of my 100th post!!! So, now you have one more reason to appreciate and rate my blog, haven't you? :-)
Consequently, what I ask you for is voting the blog you're reading on and, if you want, another three very interesting blogs I advise you: Jimi Paradise in "Gossip" category, Mouse Trip in "Arte e fumetti" one and Modelli in "Rubrica di spicco", by clicking on the link at the bottom.
The poll is going to close on June 14th at h23.59 and declared the very next day, according to the rules described on

*for voting you need to log in via Facebook in order to provide a "unique and verified vote against multiple and fraud votation. Server is recording users' ID and it is not associated to the given vote anyway" (ibidem).

mercoledì 3 giugno 2015

Mr.Fetish Poland 2015 live show @Dark Angels Club

Hi everybody! Much like most West European countries, which organize Mr.Fetish Contest in parallel with Mr.Leather and Mr.Rubber elections (as Italy did), Poland also introduces an event like this in Poznań, Ul. Garbary 54 @Dark Angels Klub, with its experience of hosting the Mr.Leather Poland Contest for four years, from June 4th to 7th 2015 (see the whole programme at the link at the bottom).

Against this backdrop, on Saturday, June 6th the Mr.Fetish Poland live show 2015 is held and I has been kindly summoned to take part along with Italian performer Nicola Antonio (together again after having worked in Catania and Bologna last year). Therefore, we shall proudly pay homage to the annual event by performing live on the Dark Angels' stage, that is my third live show abroad, after having been in Antwerp and Bucharest. Below, the introduction pics taken from its website, which I attach the URLs to.

ADAM Magazine no 5/6, May/June 2015